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SINCE 1998: Continued professional practice of visual arts: painting, drawing, collage, digital art and photography.

International: An artist commissioned by private and corporate clients, MEIUN CAROLINE MABY regularly responds to calls for projects that are as demanding as they are unique — from single creation to monumental pieces and series.

Private collectors, luxury hotels and wellness centers, architects, small and large companies trust her artistic talent and her experience as an international project manager.

France: 2008 - 2011 | Project "Mind Art®" / Partnership with psychiatric hospital Guillaume Régnier in Rennes, Brittany:  Artist in residence - creation, artistic and technical development of the interactive art project "Mind Art®" aiming to enhance interaction between the artist and the art lover. "Mind Art®" allowed the visitor of an art show to modify the colors of a displayed painting thanks to an innovative digital pad.

Creative art workshops were given to patients suffering from severe mental disorders. project funded by la Fondation de France, la Fondation Reunica, Lilly laboratories, French Ministry of Culture (D.R.A.C.).

France: 2009 | Interactive art project "Mind Art®" / Partnership with Mobidium and Kantik : installation at MEDEF Summer University, H.E.C. campus (78, France).

France: 2005 - 2010 | Fine art print studio director : High quality digital printing for professional painters and photographers; Giclée® and Digigraphy® processes.





2010 - 2016 and 2021 - 2023: Art therapist in private practice / Jungian and Buddhist psychology..

SINCE 2021: Founding director of the nonprofit ELOVUTION, Art therapist and Teacher. 
"The object of 
ELOVUTION is to support the most vulnerable people with art therapy, to offer art therapy training to the professionals working with these people in the field and to promote collaborative artistic projects for disadvantaged populations, both in france and overseas".

Himalayan India: since 2021 | Partnership with JHAMTSE GATSAL CHILDREN'S COMMUNITY: Elaboration and transmission of the program “ Art as empowerment”, set up of collaborative artistic projects.

The 1st reconnaissance trip on site took place in March - April 2024.

France: April - July 2024 | Project : "A spring in Saint-Thual" / Partnership with with the nursing home Mottay-Thual and the association Entour'age : series of 6 collective workshops. The proposal mobilizes very specifically the emotional, motor and cognitive spheres of each participant through a delicate work on the senses and attention.

Emergency Ukraine: March - July 2022 | Project: "ARTIST UNITED FOR UKRAINE" / Partnership with VOICES OF CHILDREN and LE BERCAIL. Organization of the charity sale of a hundred artworks with aiming to mobilize the forces of art as vector of peace and resilience. A profit of 8,425.00 euros has been collected and directly donated to our ukrainian partner VOICES OF CHILDREN who sets up art therapy workshops for children suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder in the field.

2005 - 2015: Founding director of COULEURS DU COEUR, (Colors of the e/Art), Art therapist and Teacher. 

COULEURS DU COEUR promoted "humanistic philosophy and global collaboration through the use of art therapy. its primary aim was to bring psychological care to victims of ptsd & disadvantaged populations and to train carers in art therapy directly in the field."

France: 2013 - 2015 | Project: "Art therapy for kids in need" / Partnership with Salvation Army: Art therapist - series of workshops with young minors and isolated refugees who arrived unaccompanied from Afghanistan, Mongolia, Albania, Syria... and for kids from 3 to 18 yo placed in a children's home (internship) by social or judicial services; clinical analysis.

Sri Lanka: 2013 | Project: "Interfaith art therapy training program" / Partnership with National Christian Council of Sri Lanka : Project and Team manager design and implementation of a specific training program given to 21 people: 17 Tamil speaking (11 Christians, 3 Hindus, 2 Atheists, 1 Buddhist) and 4 Christian Sinhalese. The students were working all over the country as social workers, teachers, art teachers, ngo volunteers, carers, nurses, and priests. 

France: 2013 - 2014 | Project: "A drawing is worth a thousand words" / Partnership with La Ville de Saint-Malo & the service of social rehabilitation, Saint-Malo, Brittany: Project manager and Art therapist - Design and implementation of a series of weekly workshops for people in precarious situation

France: 2012 - 2013 | Project: "Art therapy for women" at the Oncology department  / Partnership with Médecins de l’Imaginaire & public hospital Broussais of Saint-Malo, Brittany : Project manager - Design and implementation of a new program of art therapy care for women in precarious situations and suffering from female specific cancer.

Haiti: 2012 | Project "Help Haitians to help Haitians" / Partnership with CHART (U.S.A.) & La Maison l'Arc-en-Ciel (ca): Project and Team manager - Design and implementation of a specific art therapy training program for an educational and healthcare team working with children affected and/or infected by aids. Haitian students were trained in refugees camps in Port-au-Prince.

Kenya: 2010 - 2014 | Project "Caroma Art Therapy Center" / Partnership with Kenyatta University of Nairobi (psychology department): distance Supervisor for the creation of first art therapy training center in Kenya, located in Bungoma.

Haiti: 2010 - 2011 | Project "Art therapy for children in Haiti" /  Partnership with Haitian Ministries (U.S.A): Project and Team manager - Design and implementation of an emergency program to support mental healthcare of children in the aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake (causing more than 200 000 deaths). Workshops were given to more than 500 children in hospitals, orphanages, schools and camps of port-au-prince and surrounding provinces in order to prevent post traumatic stress disorder symptoms and behavioural disorders.

France: 2010 | Project "Art therapy for Roma children" / Partnership with PATIV and École Plénitude: Art therapist - Workshops offered to kids from 4 to 18 yo, all unschooled and for some of them, suffering from behavioural disorders.

France: 2009 - 2010 | Maison d’Enfants "L’envol" : Art-therapist - Weekly art therapy workshops for female teenagers from 13 to 18 yo placed in a care institution (internship) by social or judicial services. all participants suffered from behavioural or severe mental health disorders (bipolarity, schizophrenia).

France: 2008 - 2009 | Association "Autisme Espoir Vers l’École": Volunteer - Animation of weekly play therapy workshops for an autistic child of 6 years old.





1993 - 2002 | International sail racer on multihull (HC16, F18, F28): Formula 28 European champion (2001, 2002), French sailing team HC16 94/95, 3rd place at 'Hobie Cat 16 World Cup' (1995, Huatulco, Mexico), 5th place at 'Hobie Cat 16 I.S.A.F. World Championship' (1994, La Rochelle, France), Women's European champion (1993, Jersey, U.K.).

1990 à 2000 | Volunteering companion for multi-disabled teenagers during summer sea trips in the bay of Saint-Malo. 

1989 à 1994 | Sailing instructor at Saint-Malo Yacht Club (summers).


Zen practitioner and student of Dzogchen | Member of ZEN PEACEMAKERS INTERNATIONAL (U.S.A.), of UPAYA ZEN CENTER (U.S.A.) and of PUNDARIKA (U.S.A., SWI) where she follows the respective teachings of Roshi Joan Halifax and Tsoknyi Rinpoche. Regular residencies, sesshins, solitary retreats and trainings in Europe and in the U.S.A. since 2008; Lay ordination (Jukai) in the Sōtō zen lineage at SOKUKOJI ZEN MOUNTAIN MONASTERY (U.S.A.).


Practice of Flower Essences (Perelandra®, Bach flowers®) | International Certification Bach flowers remedies® level 2, Bach center approved (2023) with IFFACB.

Practice of Yoga since 1990 (Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin) | Yoga International, by Bernie Clark: Yin Yoga Teacher certification (2020).

Study and practice of traditional astrology | Astrolocality & local space (technics to enhance the relationship between art and space); School of Traditional Astrology: Horary Astrology Certification (2021), Medical astrology certification (2023).


2015: Ojai, CA, U.S.A. | Painting From The Source ®, method by Aviva Gold - P.T.F.S.® Facilitator certification.

2013 - 2014: Quebec, Canada | Le Journal Créatif ®, method by Anne-Marie Jobin - Art Journaling facilitator certification®.

2013 : Paris, France | Ifpec - Emotional Freedom Technique (E.F.T. 3) training.

2009 - 2011: Nantes, France | École Plénitude - Art therapy certification, with honors / dissertation title: « Art therapy in humanitarian emergency situations : example of post-traumatic care in Haiti ».

2008 - 2009: Arles, France | PROFAC, Centre de psychologie appliquée - Art therapy training.

1992 - 1993: From Plymouth, U.K. | C.N.E.D. - Bachelor of technology (Btech), International Trading.


1991: France | Bachelor's degree, Mathematics and Physics (C, equivalent S), with honors. Driving licence.


1989: France | Federal sailing professorship B1-D1 certification, option multihull. Offshore boating permit. Boating licence for inland waters.




Professional visual artist, affiliated member of LA MAISON DES ARTISTES (Order: M 746 617)

Art-therapist, member of AMERICAN ART THERAPY ASSOCIATION (U.S.A.)


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